<H1> Gujarat Result </H1> |
<H1> Gujarat Result </H1> |
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<H2> GPSC Exam Apply </H2> |
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<H2> Paid Promotion is Available. If you like, go to Contact Us page and send your details. </H2> |
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<H2> Latest News </H2> |
<H4> >Gujarat Gojgar Samachar:- Click Here </H4> |
<H4> NIC Recruitment Scientific/Technical Assistant for 495 Vacancies 2020 </H4> |
<H4> GPSC Nayab Mamlatdar Call Letter 2019 </H4> |
<H4> GPSC Deputy Section Officer Call Letter 2019 </H4> |
<H4> GPSC Deputy Mamlatdar Call Letter 2019 </H4> |
<H4> GSSSB Laboratory Technician Call Letter </H4> |
<H4> GSSSB Mines Supervisor Call Letter </H4> |
<H4> GSSSB Technical Assistant Call Letter </H4> |
<H4> GSRTC Conductor Notification 2019-20 </H4> |
<H4> Conductor bharti 2019-20 </H4> |
<H4> GPSC Administrative Service Class 1 Syllabus </H4> |
<H4> GPSC Municipal Chief Officer Class 2 Syllabus </H4> |
<H4> GPSC Municipal Chief Officer Service Exam Call Letter </H4> |
<H4> GPSC Gujarat Administrative Service Exam Call Letter </H4> |
<H4> GSSSB Office Assistant Exam Call Letter </H4> |
<H4> GSSSB Bin Sachivalay Clerk Exam Call Letter </H4> |
<H5> ✔ GSRTC Conductor [GSRTC/201920/32] -> (Apply Now) || (Download PDF) </H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/33 Professor, Forensic Medicine, General State Service, [Class-1] -> (Apply Now)
|| (Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/34 Professor, Radiotherapy, General State Service, [Class-1] -> (Apply Now)
|| (Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/35 Professor, Community Medicine/Preventive and Social Medicine, General State Service, [Class-1] -> (Apply Now)
|| (Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/36 Professor, Pathology, General State Service, [Class-1] -> (Apply Now)
|| (Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/37 Professor, Anaesthesiology, General State Service, [Class-1] -> (Apply Now)
|| (Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/38 Professor, Pharmacology, General State Service, [Class-1] -> (Apply Now)
|| (Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/39 Professor, Biochemistry, General State Service, [Class-1] -> (Apply Now)
|| (Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/40 Professor, Radio-Diagnosis, General State Service, [Class-1] -> (Apply Now)
|| (Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/41 Professor, Anatomy, General State Service, [Class-1] -> (Apply Now)
|| (Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/42 Professor, Physiology, General State Service, [Class-1] -> (Apply Now)
|| (Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/43 Professor, Paediatrics, General State Service, [Class-1] -> (Apply Now)
|| (Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/44 Professor, General Medicine, General State Service, [Class-1] -> (Apply Now)
|| (Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/45 Professor, General Surgery, General State Service, [Class-1] -> (Apply Now)
|| (Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/46 Professor, General Surgery, General State Service, [Class-1] -> (Apply Now)
|| (Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/47 Professor, Orthopaedics, General State Service, [Class-1] -> (Apply Now)
|| (Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/48 Professor, Psychiatry, General State Service, [Class-1] -> (Apply Now)
|| (Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/49 Professor, Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases, General State Service, [Class-1] -> (Apply Now)
|| (Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/50 Professor, Microbiology, General State Service, [Class-1] -> (Apply Now)
|| (Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/51 Professor, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, General State Service, [Class-1] -> (Apply Now)
|| (Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GSSSB/201819/146 - Laboratory Technician - [Class - III] -> (Download Now)
</H5> |
✔ GSSSB/201819/148 - Mines Supervisor - [Class - III] -> (Download Now)
</H5> |
✔ GSSSB/201819/149 - Technical Assistant - [Class - III] -> (Download Now)
</H5> |
✔ GSRTC/201920/1 - DRIVER -> (Download Now)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/12 - Gujarat Medical and Health Service [Class-2] -> (Download Now)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/4 - Principal/Suprintendent, Government Homeopathy College [Class-1] -> (Download Now)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/17 - Superintending Archaeologist, General State Service, Sports, Youth and Cultural Activities Department [Class-2] -> (Download Now)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/18 Assistant Director, Horticulture/Subject Matter Specialist, Agriculture, Farmers Welfare and Co-operation [Class-2] ->(Download PDF)
</H5> |
✔ GPSC/201920/2 Professor, (Homoeopathy) Practice of Medicine, Provisional Answer Key [Class-1] ->(Download PDF)
</H5> |
<H5> ✔ GSRTC Conductor [GSRTC/201920/32] -> (Download PDF) </H5> |
<H5> 1-> Bin Sachivalay Clerk & Office Assistant [GSSSB] :- Exam Date: 17-10-2019
</H5> |
<H5> 2-> Private Secretary [GPSC] (Gujarati):- Preliminary Exam Date: 24-11-2019
</H5> |
<H5> 3-> Private Secretary [GPSC] (English) :- Preliminary Exam Date: 17-11-2019
</H5> |
<H5> 4-> Medical Officer [GPSC] :- Preliminary Exam Date: 01-12-2019
</H5> |
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